Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Unit 2 Short Answer Questions

Industrial Revolution
2) Machines had a positive and negative impact on society. They quickly and efficiently created products, allowing mass production, but they created dangerous jobs in the factories, and even got rid of the need for some jobs, despite the growing population.
3) Crop rotation is the use of the same land to grow different crops throughout the different seasons. This practical, efficient use of land allowed for more food to be grown on a smaller space, therefore supporting a larger population quite efficiently.

Social Ramifications
1) With the Industrial Revolution came many new social developments. For example, before, it was common for many generations, or extended families, to live in the same house, but with the revolution, nuclear families became common. Nuclear families only consisted of parents and children.
3) The Factory Acts were reforms that improved working conditions for children during the Revolution. They reduced the workday to a maximum of twelve hours, and made it illegal for children under the age of eight to work in the cotton mills.

Inventors and Inventions
1) Cotton gins are machines that pick and separate cotton. Before the invention of the cotton gin, this was the tedious job of many slaves in the south. Therefore, this new means of production did the job of the slaves, and therefore they could do different jobs.
5) Advancements in medicine contributed to the population growth in many ways. Many people were dying due to the unsanitary, poor living conditions of the city, and many diseases were common. Advancements in medicine were able to combat these diseases, such as cholera, which decreased the death rate due to disease and therefore increased the size of the population.

2nd Industrial Revolution & Mass Society
1) During the nineteenth century, the lower class made up the majority of the population. Politicians realized this, and began to target them, such as in the British Labour Party. Trade Unions also allowed a rise in their power, for they gave the lower classes a voice that they never had before.
2) The original Industrial Revolution and the second Industrial Revolution differed for the original focused more on improvements and technological advancements in agriculture, while the second Industrial Revolution focused on the advancement of technology in every day life, as well as new ideas and theories on society.

Labor Unions
2) The goal of the British Labour Party was to help the general public and to bring trade unions into politics. Their goals included the involvement of government in business, the distribution of wealth and publicly funded healthcare and education policies.
3) The AFL was formed due to the leaders of the trade unions dislike of The Knights of Labor, another large, powerful union of the time. The American Federation of Labor distinguished itself by only allowing workers and organizations of workers to join.

Japanese and Russian Industrialization
3) The Industrialization of Japan required the wars because with Industrialization came expansion. The Japanese needed to grow in power to match their growth in technology and government, thus requiring wars for land.
11) The Industrialization of England occurred first, therefore naturally. The Japanese industrialized quickly and proficiently, while the Russians simply tried to keep up with the rest of the world.

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