Thursday, April 1, 2010

Fascism Vs. Nazism

5 Similarities:
1. Both believed that one man should rule
2. They did not believe in a republic government
3. They wanted to crush any of their opponents
4. Both rejected any treaties people offered to them
5. Both contributed to a strong economy

1. I think that Fascism appeals to adolescents because it requires a strong leader and leads to a strong sense of unity, which many young people desire. Adolescents all want to fit in with each other, so a sense of unity would be very appealing to them.
Fascists love life, and so do adolescents.
2. Fascism is a totalitarian state, and it was sometimes considered a cult which was centered around Mussolini. The idea of a cult could be hard to accept for many people.
3. The Nazi ideal was extremely racist, and so if you did not fit into the mold that they were looking for, you would not be accepted. This would obviously mean that many people would not fit in and be accepted due to their different religions, nationalities and even their appearance, and this would be hard for them to accept.

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