Tuesday, February 23, 2010

WWI Casualty Analysis

1. It is extremely interesting that they had the most soldiers although it was not their conflict. Perhaps they were trying to prove themselves to be world powers, or maybe it simply reflects their large population size.

2. Austria-Hungary is located right next to France, which is where the fighting took place, so that probably led to the high casualty rate, geographically speaking. They were right in on the action, causing more people to be killed.

3. It shows that Russian soldiers were optimistic, for they refused to believe that their men were dead, but simply taken prisoner. This may have led to their involvement in WWII.

4. It represents the large population of the United States, for it is much larger than Italy, and therefore it could afford to send more men, for there were simply more men available to send.

5. If you look at the numbers, you will notice that the allies have almost 5 percent less casualties than those of the central powers, which really basically explains how they won the war...they had more men alive at the end.

6. I think the main thing that jumps out is the sheer number of casualties. So many lives were loss during this war, which is simply tragic, but it does give credit to the new technology, and the effectiveness of the modern warfare. Men got better at fighting, but at men's own expense.

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